Modern yoyoing may seem as a complicated and confusing sport. We are yoyo players ourselves and we do remember how difficult it was, when we were starting.
There is so many tricks, styles, brands, types of yoyos and so many new things. That is why have created this page, where you canĀ learn how to become a yoyo player, easily and step by step. So welcome to your new journey which will take youĀ all the way from choosing your first yoyo to getting sponsored or competing at a real yoyo contest.
Let’s do it!

If you would have hard time learning Gravity Pull or if you need any help, advice or tip, please let us know, stop by our retail shop in Prague or visit one of our free yoyo classes. We are always happy to help.
More information about yoyo contests and calendar of yoyo events can be foundĀ here.
Modern yoyoing is complex sport with many possibilities, apart from responsive and unresponsive yoyoing it also has 5 different styles calledĀ 1A, 2A (Looping), 3A (Double Hand), 4A (Offstring) and 5A (Freehand), sometimes we call them together as “alternative styles of yoyoing” or as “X-division” (at competitions). Some of the styles require special yoyos (2A and 4A), others can be done with regular modern yoyo (1A, 3A and 5A). You can watch the video, Peter and Vashek will show you all 5 styles and their tricks.