DNA battle with the WORLD CHAMPION 🏆

Several well-known yoyo players arrived at this year’s Czech Yoyo Nationals. One of them was two times world yoyo champion Gentry Stein. Tomáš Bubák took this opportunity to challenge Gentry to a DNA Battle. He had a little secret which surprised the world champion. You can watch all three parts of yoyo battle here: DNA […]

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EYYC 2022 – Review of TOP3 players

After 3 years the Czech Yoyo Association had the pleasure to host another European Yoyo Championship held in Prague. The competition was tough, but the top three places of 1A category went to players from the Czech republic! Specifically Jakub Dolejš (winner), Michael Malík (2. place) and Matouš Tomeš (3. place). After 3 years the […]

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Big C3Yoyodesign RESTOCK

Through out the summer we ran out of most of the yoyos so it was time to do a big restock. We (and probably also the customers) were missing mostly the yoyos from the C3yoyodesign, which we cooperate with for many years already. Tomáš Bubák was representing this company since the year 2013 for 6 […]

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Prázdniny jsou tady a my jsme si pro Vás připravili několik novinek, se kterými se tyhle letní horký dny rozhodně nudit nebudete. Nebudeme chodit okolo horký kaše a jdeme rovnou na to. 1) Prázdninový Mystery Box Dlouho jste nám psali, kdy bude nový Mystery box, který jste si vždy tak pochvalovali. Tak jsme se rozhodli […]

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New website look!

As you may notice, we gave our website a brand new look! We mainly focused on a simple orientation on the website so everything is easy to find. Not everything is completely finished so please have patience. We will restock all the available product in upcoming days. If you have any questions or ideas you […]

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New run of Breeze

Michael Kurti and his american yoyo brand The Good Life Yoyos released a new run of Breeze. It is a V-shape bimetal yoyo with Center Track inside. We are very happy that among 4 released colors is also one signature color of our friend Filip David! If you dont know him yet, check some of […]

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